2 Things You Can Do To Prepare To Have Your Teeth Whitened By The Cosmetic Dentist

If you want to have your teeth whitened by your cosmetic dentist, this is a wonderful thing. A cosmetic dentist, like those at Fresh Wave Dental Care PC, will whiten your teeth in a very safe and effective way, and the white teeth that you have after the teeth whitening is done will help you to feel very happy and very confident when you look at your teeth and also when others look at your teeth. [Read More]

Worried About Your Teen Complying With Orthodontic Treatment? 3 Strategies For Keeping Them On Track

Teenagers often look forward to getting braces since they desire a more beautiful smile, yet they sometimes forget that improving their teeth takes a little work. Advances in dental technology have improved adolescent orthodontic services by offering more options such as Invisalign that are more convenient than other types of braces. Yet, even these require your teen to be compliant with their treatment plan. As you help your teen get used to their new braces, use these tips to make sure that they stay on track with their treatment. [Read More]

A Guide To Avoiding Tooth Damage

This guide will help you to understand some of the many ways you can avoid injury, damage and other problems to your teeth. Review the information here and do your best to make any necessary changes to your lifestyle to prevent problems: Don't play sports unprotected It doesn't matter if you are involved in a type of sport that requires a protective dental guard or not, if there is any chance of your mouth taking a blow, then you should make your own decision to wear one anyway. [Read More]

Three Reasons Why Your Dental Implant Broke

Dental implants have such a high rate of success that they've become the first line of treatment for people who have lost teeth to disease or trauma. However, it's also important to recognize that sometimes implants do fail. One issue that comes up in rare cases is implants will sometimes develop cracks or break completely. Here are three reasons why this may occur and what can be done to prevent them. [Read More]